Finding secure website hosting is vital during the internet age, where security can be an issue along with many other things. Online attacks are more rampant, and it is crucial that you know how important it is to protect your website from potential threats.
Some web hosting services can do your job and keep your website secure. Hosting services can help you against malware, DDoS attacks, bots, hacked websites and many more dangerous security threats. It is reported that attacks happen every 39 seconds, so, unfortunately, hackers can target your website if you do not have trusted and safe web hosting. We decided to talk to GOYOU Branding, a pioneer in providing various services pertaining to the internet, about what there is to know about web hosting. They provided us with 7 tips that they said everyone should know as a precautionary measure related to web hosting.
1. Avoid 3rd Party Apps.
Another crucial step is validating your code that comes into your CMS or input data. Ensure that it matches the end-user on the output data. WordPress and codex are two well-known applications that give you a rundown on input and put data validation, so it’s good to look out for that. They also recommended avoiding 3rd party websites that haven’t undergone security audits.
2. Sanitize Data
The people at GOYOU made it clear that you must always trust the code behind your website. Go through the procedure of verifying your code. Confirm that it is both secure and stable. According to them, sanitizing your input data is just as important as avoiding 3rd party websites.
3. Password Complexity
Even for the average account holder, having a complex password is advised to prevent you from being a victim of a hacker attack or breach. The same applies to web hosting websites.
GOYOU recommended keeping a unique, complex and strong password for each account. Enabling the two-step verification is a plus point and provides more security for accounts.
4. SSL certificates
SSL or secure socket layer certificates encrypt authentic data in a network. This includes servers, machines, applications or anything working within a network. They are cryptographic protocols. The purpose of SSL certificates is that they help prevent third-party websites or servers from altering, intercepting or recording sensitive material.
GOYOU provided us with a simpler way to describe SSL certificates. They said to think of them as a secret language between two people where they use code words to communicate. A third-party person listening to the conversation will not get the meanings, so your conversation can remain confidential. The SSL system possesses the same function; they ensure that communication gets sent in a secret language.
5. Web Application Firewall
The WAF monitors and filters malicious web applications and blocks them to protect your website. Before reaching server hosting, all web traffic must pass through the WAF. The WAF can identify suspicious web traffic or malware, deny it passage through your servers, and block it. Similarly, it does the same for sensitive data and can prevent it from exiting your server. They recommended that you ensure that your server has access to a safe web application firewall.
6. Secure File Transfer
The job of the FTP or file transfer protocol is to transfer heavy amounts of data. They deal with moving unencrypted data onto your web hosting. GOYOU gave us the example of uploading large files or a video. When you don’t use FTPs for sharing large amounts of data, all your data is susceptible to 3rd party interception. Many web hosting services already offer FTP, but it may be wise to confirm to be sure.
7. Distributed Denial of Service protection or DDoS
DDoS are one of the top cyber threats. They use malware-infected traffic to flood your servers. This results in the inability of guests visiting your website to properly use it by overwhelming the server with all the corrupted traffic. The traffic has the potential to eat up resources from your website. This is why they said hiring a web hosting service is crucial because it can detect and prevent DDoS attacks.
Wrapping up
We will now sum up all the fantastic advice that GOYOU gave us when it comes to web hosting. Third-party websites and applications that are not encrypted can threaten your server, so it is best to avoid them as a whole. It is advised to use complex passwords that are unpredictable, do not contain apparent personal information or are not common words to protect your server from the prospect of getting hacked. Your website hosting server should have SSL certificates, WAF and FTPs to protect against malware, traffic, etc. Your web hosting service should also be equipped to deal with DDoS, which is also one of the top cyber threats. Your website can be secure by following protocol and hiring trusted web hosting servers. We hope all information in this article helped provide you with enough tips on web hosting. Thank you for GOYOU Branding for providing their fantastic advice to the internet, and thank you for reading!